The administrator is those who are the first who appeared since the organization is made up. The Administrator has ever represent the organization in the need of meeting with the high leaders of world government, but until now no one knows where are they, their identity also never being exposed to the public.
Under The Administrator there are some people called "05 Council" that consists of 13 members and has full control of the organization. They are the ones who were responsible for the organization and give orders to SCP Foundation.
Under the 05 Council there are many divisions that work in the area to do their mission, but I don't know what are the divisions that work for the 05 Council, because its very classified and hard to know information about them.
The personnels that worked for the organization is classified based on their proximity with the creatures, there are 5 classes that is made by the organization.
A class
This class is for those who were important for the organization, they got no permission to have direct contact with the creatures in any kind of situation, if there is a dangerous incident that happened in the site where the A Class personnel is right there, they were the first who will be protected and evacuated. Example of this class are The Administrator and the 05 Councils.
B class
B class Personnel is the important person in SCP Foundation for testing or learning the creatures. The creatures that is being learned is also restricted to only safe class creatures, if there is also dangerous incident, they are the second one after A class that must be protected and evacuated. Usually it is the scientists.
C class
Personnel in this class is they who can have direct contact with the creatures, they will face the high risks of being contaminated, corrupted or any bad things that could happen because they face the creatures directly. Usually it is they who are working in the field.
D class
It is they who are facing the creatures that are very dangerous closely. They have no permission to have contact with A and B personnel. Usually D class personnel is the criminal with the dead punishment or in another sentence, they are the sacrifice for the creatures to be learned.
E class
This class is specific for they who were contaminated by the creatures. The effect is considered dangerous because they got it from the creatures that is not yet finished to be learned. The personnels would have particular quarantine to decrease the spreading of the effect, after considered healthy, they would back to continue to work.
Okay that's all for the personnels, maybe if you have another opinion, or information, comment below! And don't forget to share this to your friends, because we are not the only one in this earth.
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