What is SCP Foundation?
"Secure, Contain, Protect" that is the abbreviation from SCP. SCP Foundation is a secret organization that runs in the field of mysterious creatures that no one ever know. They work day and night to understand these creatures. The members of this organization is also being concealed from the public to prevent from the global panic or global terrorist. This organization is worked under the secret government that no one know, there is a rumor that they were worked in secret area called "area 51" in USA.
As they name said, they are securing the things and creatures that are new and no one ever know and could be said that they are endanger the world, those things and creatures have the forms, characters and superiorities that were out of mind, those anomalies can be said unique and awful, this organization are preventing those creatures and things to be ruled by the civil or another organization. Then contain, SCP Foundation contain the things with particular purpose to learn them, not only that, they also preventing the bad effects from their anomalies so the human beings are not being affected. The last one is protect them from the world or protect the world from them, because bad things could happen if one of those things happen. They always named every of their subject with the start of "SCP - ..." as example "SCP - 293".
Then, were gonna talk deeper about this organization, so stay aware to the things around you and stay aware to the update of this blog. don't forget to tell your friends and share this post, because we are not alone....
Wow, It's really scary. So this is the SCP that people in the horror group often talk about.